Primary Savings Account
A Primary Savings is the foundation of your credit union membership, and enables you to take advantage of all the other accounts, loans and services we have to offer. You can open your Primary Savings with as little as $5, though we encourage you to set up automatic transfers or Direct Deposit to build up your emergency savings for a rainy day.
You'll earn dividends on balances in your Primary Savings, credited quarterly to your account based on the Average Daily Balance.
Special Savings
When you want to save for a specific purchase or purpose, and be able to track your progress, you can open a Special Savings Account. With a Special Savings, you can designate and name the account for a specific goal (buying a car, wedding expenses, vacation savings, etc.). There is no minimum balance required for this account, and you'll earn a competitive rate with dividends credited to your account quarterly.
When you're ready to use your savings, simply transfer to your Checking from Online or Mobile banking, or you can withdraw using your Debit or ATM card.
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