Family Zone

Family Finances

One of the biggest sources of disagreement and frustration for most families is the subject of family finances. For many of us, money coming in never seems to match the money going out. There is always the stress of what to spend the money on, when, where, and how much, and on and on.

Getting control of your finances takes a lot more than just taking control of your money. It means getting a handle on your habits--both thinking and spending--as well as your short term and long term goals. Not only can getting control decrease much of your stress (making for a more satisfying family life) it can also help you better prepare for the future (making for a more leisurely life as the family matures). Although many families make use of a financial advisor, most of your financial control is handled on your own.

Leaving your finances to chance, as so many families do (many without even realizing that they are doing it), is a sure-fire path to allowing them to get out of control. Without a plan--for a budget, for getting the most value out of the things that you buy, and for your future--you will most likely find yourself in a constant uphill battle with your finances.

Need to build your nest egg? We have competitive rates on shares and share certificates. Looking ahead to retirement? Let us set up an IRA share or IRA share certificate for you. Planning ahead for college? We have Coverdell Education IRA Share and Share Certificates.

Our purpose is to help you plan your family's finances with affordable member services such as direct deposit, payroll deduction, and our other low cost services. See one of our Member Service Representatives for assistance.

Use our suite of Financial Calculators to estimate loan payments, compare loan payment and financing options, determine mortgage loan and payment eligibility, and plan your savings and retirement goals. Contact one of our Member Service Representatives for details.